Route 66 Road Trip

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3/31/21 Grizzly 45 degree and damp.  5 PAX reporting.  (Fantana, Genie, Herbie, Cheeseball, Coyote Q) 

*** THE THANG ***

Mosey to the Strip Mall for a Little Route 66 Fun.  At each column along the front of the strip mall add one rep to each exercise.  11 columns (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 = 66 Reps) 

  • Exercise 1 = Burpees (Lunge between Columns)
  • Exercise 2 = Big Boys (Crab Walk between Columns)
  • Exercise 3 = Merkins (Walk between Columns)
  • Exercise 4 = Plank Jacks (Bear Crawl between Columns)

*** MARY ***

  • Wall Sit for 66 seconds
  • Route 66  song.  High Plank / Low plank the song.  Switch when “Route 66” is sung.

*** COT ***

Prayers for Cheeseballs father who is in the hospital. Prayers for Herbie’s previous coworker who has a brain tumor. Prayers for Jackie Moon and Zamboni’s families recovering from Covid. Safe travels for all traveling over Spring Break.

*** Moleskin ***

Luckily it stayed pretty dry for the beatdown today. The original plan was to do each exercise out and back but after the first round of Burpee’s YHC quickly called Oklahoma on that. During the mumble chatter Fantana mention that it was awful when he had to do two minutes of plank. He got a nice surprise when we did planks for three minutes of planks during Mary. Great workout with a great group of guys. Be HIM’s today!

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