Hump day training

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8 Pax posted on a clear 42 degree morning.  Jay-Z, Slit, Boucher, Crabby PO, Wapner, Pew Pew, Stache, Piper (QIC)

Warm up:
Maestro lap
SSH’s X 25 IC
Sprinkler x 20 IC
Grass pickers x 20 IC
Arm stretch OYO
Leg stretch OYO

1 mile Indian run

5 pull-ups (switch to negative if unable to pull up)
10 burpees
15 air squats
Rinse and repeat a minimum of 6 times, replace burpees with merkins after 6 rounds. 

1 mile Indian run (shortened due to time)

Bruce Lee( 20 hammers, 20 leg raises, 20 lbcs, 20 heel touches, 20 crunchy frog, 100’s)

Moleskin: Last day of March ends our burpee requirement, 62 burpees completed. Cubby Blue if you read this your attendance has been requested in the gloom, some of us will be heading somewhere warm if you don’t. After one of Pew Pew’s legendary zingers, we learned today that Boucher’s lip balm has a special flavor, we will take his word for it. Bubblicious jinxed himself this morning by saying that he hasn’t fartsacked in a while. For those not in attendance that plan to Q in April, please be remember to wear a cup if you decide to incorporate burpees in the workout, Jay-z will be wearing steel toes, so good luck. Good effort given this morning.

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