The Fantana

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March 30, 2021

Weather: Mid 40’s and calm

15 Pax posted to The Hill: Cheeseball, Bubble Bath, Warm Glow, Candi, Snooki, Slider, Ringo, Bumblebee, Optimus, Chirp Chirp, Faceoff, Teddy Bear, Wolley Dutchman, Fantana, & Genie (Q).

5 Core principles & Disclaimer given

Warm up: 10x weed pickers (IC), 10x front arm circles (IC), 10x backward arm circles (IC), 20x side straddle hops (IC)

Thang: “The Fantana”

F: Fantana escaped the fartsack “four-corner” Celebration: 4 corners established in parking lot, 25 merkins (OYO) completed at 2 corners, and 50 mountain climbers (2 is 1) (OYO) completed at the other 2 corners. You were able to go an any order you like, you also had to run to the middle before going to the next corner.

A: A new fade hair cut for the beach 1/2 mile mosey with a 30 merkin break: Ran a 1/4 mile, stopped for 30 merkins (OYO), then ran another 1/4 mile.

N: Not a beatdown without Fantana’s favorite exercise- “The monkey humper”: Each pax did 75 monkey humpers (OYO).

T:Tony Hawk Burpee’s for Tom, Jerry, & Gus: Each pax did 20 Tony hawk Burpees (OYO)

A: A we want the mustache back bear crawl, plank, merkin circle: Pax circled up in plank postion while the 12 Oclock pax did 5 merkins and all the other pax stayed in plank position, then bear crawled in a circle until the next pax was at 12 Oclock. This kept on until all pax had completed their merkins.

N: Ninty-Nine Squats to give Fantana’s velcro new-balances a break: Each pax did 99 Squats (OYO)

A: An exercise to get the Jelly off of Fantana’s 6-Pack: 25x 4- count american hammers (IC), 30 second plank, then 25x more 4-count american hammers (IC)

Bonus: Fantana picked his second favorite exercise for us all to do – The Australian Snow Angel: Each pax did 10 (OYO)

Mary: 20 flutter kicks (IC), 25 LBC’s (IC), 15 low dolly (IC)

Recover Recover!


Moleskin: This was my 1st Q! I really enjoyed the preparation for the beatdown. The creativity F3 allows makes fitness fun and provides a level of anticipation to each workout. Teddy Bear even skipped the fart sack to celebrate His birthday with us and rode in on a skateboard! I screwed up the side straddle hop count. “The Fantana” seemed to provide a bit of distraction and humor to the beatdown. Fantana was hands-down the star of the show today, It was nice to see him back out their given all the recent fartsacking! Most everyone was able to get their jabs in on Fantana this morning, and Fantana handled them well and in stride! Candi started and ended the beatdown with His pole! WarmFlow’s aussie snow angel form was remarkable!

Prayers for WarmFlow and Candi’s sister, Wolly Dutchmans brother-in-law, Cheesballs dad, Marshalls family, and Teddy bears neice

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